Wow. What a month it has been for falling role models. In just the span of a few weeks, my kids were disappointed to hear Michael Phelps, Chris Brown and Alex Rodriquez all did things that tarnished their careers. If you followed the news, singer Chris Brown beat up his girlfriend. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps was caught smoking pot. And baseball great ARod admitted to taking steroids earlier in his career. Even though my kids were disappointed, it was a great opportunity to talk to them about being a leader. We talked about how important it was to live right in order to set a good example for the younger people who are watching your life. I said, "Think about how disappointed you are in these people. Now you know what younger kids will feel should you ever make similar mistakes."
We also talked about the fact that Jesus is the only one who will never disappoint us. People are sinful and will always be prone to doing something that hurts us. Only Jesus is perfect and therefore, will never hurt us. So whether your kids were in to Michael Phelps, Chris Brown or Alex Rodriquez, use them as an opportunity to talk to them about being a leader and setting an example for others. And don't forget to tell them Jesus is the only role model that will never disappoint. Thanks for reading.