Monday, November 26, 2012
Questions from Sunday, November 25, 2012
When does God give us our souls? I've been told our soul was made well before God made us. I can't find scripture to back that up. As far as I can tell, there is no Scripture that black and white tells us when our soul comes into existence. We know for sure that human life has a soul, so at least at conception, we would have a soul. However, God told Jeremiah, as I stated in the sermon, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart." (Jeremiah 1:5) This doesn't necessarily mean we have a soul prior to birth, but it does indicate God has a plan for us and a purpose for us prior to birth. Psalm 139:13 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Again, this idea that God knew you before and as you were being formed. So in regards to abortion, our soul would for sure be evident at conception, because that is when life begins. And regardless as to when the soul exists, what we do with our soul is of the utmost importance. Keep pursuing Christ and encouraging others to do the same. Great question! Thanks for texting it in.
I had my tubes tied, 4years later I had a tubal pregnancy. The doctor said I was 3 months along. Is it my fault the baby died because I had tubes tied?? I believe in this case, you have to trust your medical professionals who, hopefully, went over every possibility with you before tying your tubes. We also trust that they did a proper job. There are some in the Christian world that will try and make you feel bad for tying your tubes saying, "It must have been God's will for you not to do that because you became pregnant later." Don't let that nonsense play with your mind. While God is a God of truth and justice, He is also a God of grace. So if you feel bad about this in any way, God is willing to forgive. God is willing to show grace. Your intention was not to have this happen. God knows your heart. Be encouraged by Isaiah 41:10 which says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Thanks for submitting your question.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Questions from Sunday, October 28, 2012

I am currently in the process of a divorce. How do I live a life not in the Danger Zone, when my current situation is forcing me into the Danger Zone? I appreciate your question. Don't be so quick to say you are being forced into the Danger Zone because of your divorce. That may be true, or it may not be true depending on your situation. If you are the guilty party that is causing the divorce because you have done something to hurt the marriage, or you simply want out because you don't love your spouse anymore, then I would say you may be justified in being worried. There are plenty of passages in the Bible that condemn divorce. However, if your spouse has committed a sexual sin against your marriage, then I do not believe you have anything to worry about. Jesus was very clear that the only justification for divorce was sexual sin (see Matthew 5 and 19). Because I don't know your situation, I can only answer it at a surface level. I hope this helps. Just remember, God is willing to forgive anything if your heart is truly broken. Just don't take advantage of that grace. Only He knows what's really going on in your heart.
How do I show my family Christ, and lead them to Christ without beating it into them so to speak? I assume your family knows you profess faith in Christ. The number one thing you can do to reach them and lead them is to live it. Your actions will speak far louder than your words. If they see your faith has truly changed you and altered the way you live, then they will be attracted to Christ. However, if they see you as an angry person, a rebellious person, a hypocrite, then they will be repulsed by Christ. So my short answer is, live it more, talk about it less.
How do you find purpose in life? Purpose in life begins with confessing Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. Assuming you have done that, real purpose is found in the issues we talked about throughout the Danger Zone series. First purpose is to worship God with your life and seek Him. We talked about doing that through reading the Bible and praying every day. Christ also commanded us to reach lost people for Him. Do your best to be a light for Christ and reach people who are far from Him. Look for opportunities. Be willing to bring up God when the opportunities arise. And lastly, serve other people. When you see others in need, meet the need. Do what you can to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Don't get caught up in finding purpose through an occupation. Your purpose is to seek God, worship Him and then be His light to others through sharing your faith and serving others. That's what life is all about. When you get consumed in those things, life is exciting and FULL of purpose!!
Why don't you have an altar call for salvation and healing in people's lives? First of all, there is no where in Scripture that says salvation and healing takes place in the front of the church at an altar. Coming to the altar in a church service first started occurring with the revival meetings of evangelist Charles Finney in the late 1800s. Because it became such a church tradition throughout the 20th Century, some have come to think that altar calls are essential and Biblical. I personally don't believe God is limited to working in someone's life by an altar at the front of a church. I believe God can do a mighty healing in someone's body, mind or soul no matter where they are or where they sit. Yes, coming to an altar in the front of a church is symbolic of bowing before Christ and submission to Him, but that is it. There is nothing more "magical" about the altar than sitting in a chair. Having said that, our altars are always open for someone to use. I may not say it every Sunday, but we always welcome someone to come forward if they so desire. Sometimes I do formal altar calls, but the altar is always open, even if I do not. Your question has given me the idea to remind people the altars are always open in our bulletin, so even if I don't say it, they still know it is available. Thanks for the question!
How can I serve without being outgoing around people? One does not need to be outgoing in order to serve. In fact, most of our serving opportunities are behind the scenes and don't involve much in the way of interaction with people. Just contact Jen Harris in our office and she'll get you set up. Her e-mail is
What things can I do to try to bring neighbors and friends to Christ, who don't seem to care? If you have someone in your life that doesn't show much interest in Christ, or attending church, the best thing you can do is pray for them. Don't beat yourself up. You can always try as doors open, but if you are continually met with negativity, then drop it and pray. Matthew 7:6 says, "Do not give to dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs." The idea here is we have a valuable message. We have the most important message in the history of mankind. A message of God's love for humankind and His redemptive plan. If someone meets that message with continual hostility, then move on. There is no need to put yourself through that conflict. Just pray and ask God to provide an authentic opportunity and for God to soften their hearts. Trust me, something will eventually happen in their lives that will make them consider God.
How do you serve family members who are non Christians and ungrateful for everything? I sense some hostility toward your family members. We are to love our family members and serve them the best we can. God instituted family and it is very important to Him. I would do your best to have a relationship with them and continually remind yourself that Jesus told us to "take up our cross daily." The Christian life is like taking up a cross. Taking up a cross is a death sentence. Dying to self and the way you want things in exchange for the greater good. God never said loving and serving family was a walk in the park.
How do we respond to those who ask if God is loving how can he send people to hell? I understand the question, but God is also a just God. He cannot allow sin to exist without punishment. If there is no punishment, then there is no wrong. God is a Holy and perfect God and cannot be in the presence of sin, so sin must be dealt with in a just manner. Also, we have to remember that God allows people to decide where they go when they die. He's not forcing anyone to choose hell. He loves us so much that He provided a way to remedy our sin problem through what Christ did on the cross. God provided us with our way to get to heaven and avoid eternal punishment. He showed the ultimate act of love by "giving up His life for His friends." I'd say He's the most loving God you could ever ask for and if you don't want to love Him in return, He won't make you live with Him for all of eternity.
What do you think about what the Bible says about the Sabbath being Saturday? How it applies in the modern? A sabbath day of rest is still important, but it is no longer Saturday for us. Because Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week, Christians began meeting on the first day of the week. The first day of the week on our calendar is Sunday. Therefore, our sabbath day of rest is Sunday, not Saturday as it is for the Jews. Also, we are warned in the New Testament not to legalize the sabbath day of rest. Jesus said the sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath. Meaning the sabbath day of rest is a gift. If we forsake that gift, we only bring difficulty upon ourselves. If we don't take a day of rest (which could be any day of the week depending on one's occupation) then we hurt our minds and bodies. God designed us to need rest. If we say sabbath has to be on Sunday, then we become like the arrogant religious leaders of Jesus' day. However, whatever day you take for rest, should include worship of God.
It was mentioned that 75% of people don't go to church which is overwhelming. What are simple steps to begin reaching those individuals? Research has also shown that 75% of people who do not go to church said they would go if someone they knew invited them. So invite someone. Don't get caught up in the big monster number of people that don't go. Just reach that "one life at a time." Do your part.
Is baptism the only way to accept Jesus as your savior? No, it is not the only way, because it is not THE way to begin with. Paul said in Romans 10:9, "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Baptism is an act of obedience that is an outward expression of the change you have experienced on the inside. However, it is not tied to your salvation. Faith alone.
According to Revelation 2:1-6 says to the church of Ephesus that he has this against them, that they have lost their first love. What does this mean to you? I'm not sure that it means they have totally rejected Christ, but I think it means they have forgotten the totality of what Christ represents. They were passionate about fighting heresy, but maybe had lost their heart of compassion for those in need, or those far from God.
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