Note: Some of the below questions were answered live in church, but not in each service.
What does omnipotent mean?
Omni means "all" and potent means "powerful." Therefore, ominipotent means "all-knowing."
If we are in God's image and we all look different then what does He look like?
Because God is a spirit, we cannot see Him. Jesus was the physcial form of God while He walked the earth. In a prophecy concerning the coming Messaiah, Isaiah writes that Jesus was average looking. Isaiah 53:2 says, "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him." Many have speculated as to whether this meant Jesus was indeed, average looking. If He were, it would make sense. It would have been another example of God being more concerned about the heart of a person and not the exterior look. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." But even if Jesus was average looking, this doesn't mean God is average looking. As we talked about in one of the sermons, God is so holy, angels even had to hide their eyes at His glory. All I know is, when we get to heaven, God will look just fine! In regards to us being made in His image, this has more to do with our inner being than it does out outward appearance.
Is it OK to focus more on the aspects of one name then the others?
As I said in the final Q and A Sunday, Jesus is the perfect manifestation of all the names of God. So by focusing on Christ, you encompass all the names for God. However, I think it is fine to specifically call upon God by using one of the names we studied given the particular situation. For instance, if you are in need of healing, I think it would be fine to address God as Jehovah-rophe. Having said that, I would not recommend keeping your focus on one name of God, because you limit your appreciation for who He is.
Can a person be demon possessed? If so, how can you tell? Have you ever been involved in an exorsim?
Yes, according to the Bible, a person can be demon possessed. There are several examples while Jesus walked the earth. In today's society, in order to be sure someone is demon possessed, a doctor can run tests to see if there is a mental imbalance of somekind, etc. If a doctor is unable to diagnose the problem, then the odds increase you may be looking at demon possession. Some things to look for would include a change in mental state. A radical change in physical strength. A radical change spiritually, such as someone becomes violent or hostile towards the name of Jesus Christ. You might even notice voices that differ from their normal voice. I personally have seen people that were possessed by a demon, but have never taken part in an exorism. As a believer, we may be "influenced" by demons, but we cannot be possessed by a demon because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 17 says, "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destory him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple."
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