How many shoes were collected for Soles 4 Souls?

Why should we worry about children and women in another country when we are in the same situation here in America. Why not talk about the kids with no shoes in America instead of South America?
I'm not sure I understand this. Like I said in my sermon, this is a very self-centered way of thinking. We have plenty of resources for children to have shoes here in the United States. I don't think we can even begin to appreciate what poverty is until you witness it first hand in another country. When my wife and I drove 3 hours in southern China to visit our daughter's orphanage, I saw the poorest conditions I've ever seen. Like I said, you cannot even begin to understand poverty until you see poverty like I saw. And I know from speaking with those who have been in other parts of the world, there is more of the same. If you have a passion for children with no shoes in America, then do something about it. Find out where they are and if no one is getting shoes to them, then put together a way to make it happen. Don't become the person who likes to complain but doesn't do anything about it. Maybe God is tapping you on the shoulder. Thanks for being willing to ask the question.
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