You talked about prioritizing women who were widows and orphans, but what about men who are single dads or widowed?
As I mentioned in the sermon, if a male comes to us with a legitimate need, we will give the situation serious consideration. Our heart is not to turn someone away who needs help. The same question you are asking me could be asked of God. "Why God, did you not mention single dads or widowers in the the James 1:27 passage?" Throughout Scripture we are told to take care of widows and orphans. So yesterday when I said we are going to prioritize widows, I was only doing what God has asked us to do. From the beginning of time, males have had an easier ability to provide for themselves and their families. Therefore, God expects much more from a male than he does a widow. God has given men the charge to provide for themselves and their families. I'm not saying that is always easy, but our society does make it easier for a man. Like I stated earlier, please don't interpret this as nonconcern for single dads or widowers. I'm just trying to answer the question you submitted. Thank you for your question.
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